We are all so EXCITED to find out what you are. Your cousin Elle told me she thinks your a little boy .She has said that ever since we ask her what she thinks. She is also the reason why we call you baby piggy. Archer has said before that you are a girl but the last few times I have asked him he said that you are a boy .
Your grandma Reyes (Mimi) wants you to be a girl since you have a cousin that"s a boy. Anyssa your Aunt said its a girl but I think my dad your grandpa wants you to be a boy because you have a cousin that's a girl .My mom said it doesn't matter but thinks its a boy so does your great grandma Richardson .she says that your a boy. So from the looks of things People are routing for a boy or it could be half. I haven't asked EvERYONE yet what they think.As family members walk through your grandparent Reyes house we will have a chalk board up that say's boy or girl don't worry I will take a picture of that before the day is over. We can see if its down the middle or it more to one side.
Either way We are just so excited to find out what you are. I can FINALLY go out and by you cute clothes that go to your gender. OH in case you don't know,if you haven't heard mommy and daddy talking .but we still dont't have a name for you yet. We haven't even come close to one. So hopefully once we find out what you are it will make it MUCH easier on both your parents to pick a name for you.
Just a sidenote: In case you become some one who likes junk food(which I hope not) but IF you do just so you know you put mom through heck!! I have been eating bad the last two days.You my child just do not like it one bit.I have all types of problems I know it makes you upset but here is the thing I have to work ok. I have other things that need to get done through the day and a quick stop to a gross fast food place is the only way you and I can eat .I know the days that I eat bad I dont eat that much.I am sorry.Trust me if the had a healthy fast food that wasnt a lot I would stop there.Nothing ever sounds good to mommy either when even thinking of those places.So please if you can tone it down and just work with me that will be great :) I still love you my little pain in the butt:))
Anyways tomorrow is the BIG day and I do get to see you. I want to sleep just so tomorrow can come but to excited (and acid reflex ) to sleep. the morning will come soon and I cant wait to see you :))) I know 6pm will come slow though . Tomorrow is also your great uncles birthday :) I love you my son or daughter.
19 weeks and 2days :P