

Monday, December 17, 2012

Watching you grow

I have to say that watching you grow is the best part of my life. Your a great and fun loving baby girl. From the day I found out i was pregnant till now , I have been in love with you. There is nothing that you could do that would ever take my love away from you. No matter what you do or who you are I will always and for ever love you. There maybe times that we will not get a long or you make the wrong choices but that would never take way how much I love you. Your are the cutest baby girl. My heart fills with so much love and joy when ever I see,think or hear you. You are always on my mind and daddys also . I cant believe how much you gave grown 6 months . Half a year. Time is really flying by baby girl . Never be in a rush to grow. You have your WHOLE life to be a grown up but only once are you a kid. I love you so much . Honored and proud to be YOUR mommy

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