So November 8Th came around And yes drew and I were worried about telling his sister Alysen who is also pregnant. Only cause we didn't want her to think That we were trying to take the spot light. But after talking to my Aunt the night before I was not as worried as Drew.I knew she would be happy and our kids can grow up together. So before we went to the Dr's I wanted drew to tell his sister. He had called but no answer then she had called back and like a scared one he handed the phone to me and when I told her she sounded happy. Which I tried telling drew. (he never listens to me) .So we went to the Dr's we waited for a very long time. Did I mention it wasn't my actual Dr it was another one since she was booked. so we went in and he Pulled up the baby and we saw our little jelly bean for the very first time:) Sad thing is that Dr didn't tell me anything . He didn't tell me my due date ,didn't tell me what i needed to start doing Nothing .But we did see your beautiful heart beating it was so tiny. We left and went to tell Drew's mom and dad that we were expecting . They were happy and also said that he needed to get our butts in gear (which is so true). Later that night we went to my grandparents house had everyone meet us there . Grandma,Grandpa,Mom,Jay,Pat,Uncle chip,Aunt Tara,Archer,Elle, everyone but frank cause he was working :( so once everyone was there I said I have something to show you I went to my purse and started to pull the picture out and said drew and i are expecting . Everyone jumped up started crying and gave me a hug.Oh i forgot to say when i announced it drew was asleep. ha ha if i didn't do it fast enough they will start asking questions before i got a chance to do or say anything so drew woke up to screaming and tears. so as i passed the photo around Elle my cousin who is 2 years old told my aunt that I was having a baby piggy . she made the whole family laugh it was the cutest thing ever so now we call the baby a piggy all cause Elle gave it the first nickname. When all was said and done we went home.Drew and I stop by Cheddars where Frank was working and told him her said"Are you serious? no way" Gave me a big hug and drew.We took him home also . It was a great day/night to tell everyone
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