

Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Ok so now I am 18 weeks today 1/31/2012 .I have to say that you my child have been moving a LOT,since Sunday. I have felt you move before,like a quick movement.Now I feel you moving a lot longer. I need to see how long I feel you for now.Before it was just like a second now MAYBE its a minute .I just know its longer than a quick brush lol:)
I wish I could tell what you are doing.Are you dancing? just moving? kicking ? punching me? I just cant tell. Well what ever it is I am so happy I can feel you right now :))

18 weeks and I only have 1 week and 3 days till we find out what you are. I really do not care I see the fun and joy in both a little prince or a little princess I do hope how ever (besides you being healthy and Staying healthy) that you come out with a head full of hair:) I was told that your dad had hair and I was nothing but hair so its likely that you will also:) . IF you do not however come out with a head full of hair I will not love you any less.TRUST me your hair will grow sooner or later.

On the same note of finding out what you are I am also super E X C I T E D that both your fathers and my family (which is your family) is getting together. Besides your Aunt Alysen and Uncle Kolby but hopefully we can tango (video call) them in and some family your other Aunt and maybe Uncles will be on skype.So you have people in California and Oklahoma wanting to know what you are :) so please please please let us know and do not be shy ( I will probably be only telling you ONCE that its ok to show your stuff on a screen and to everyone ) haha <- I will explain that one to you later on in life Both of our families so not get together very often.

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